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Zippo времен вьетнамской войны

НаписалАлександр Мерескин20 августа 2009

Ни для кого не секрет, что в истории 20-го века, помимо двух мировых войн, нескольких локальных конфликтов, парочки сексуальных революций имели место быть другие интересные вещи. Например Вьетнамская война, которая хоть и начиналась как внутренний конфликт в Северном Вьетнаме, но потом переросла в настоящую бойню с участием кучи напалма,  вырезанием деревень и Америки.

Закономерный вопрос, что там делала Америка, обсуждаться в этом посте не будет. Как впрочем и пустые размышления о причинах, перечисление примеров жестокого обращения и удивления по поводу того, что маленькие вьетнамцы смогли продержаться аж 20 лет, 12 из которых они провели в окопах, скрываясь от пуль М-16.

Дело в том, что хоть американские военные и были полностью снаряжены государством, но государство явно не думало о том, что сидя под пулеметным огнем, или разбирая завалы трупов знакомых после очередной бойни, сынам Америки определенно захочется покурить.

Поэтому в военных лавочках продавались Zippo. Она играла важную роль. Во-первых, Zippo - это зажигалка, и от нее можно прикурить, во вторых, так как она с виду напоминает небольшую гарелку, ее и использовали в этом ключе, в третьих, так как она не предоставлялась правительством Соединенных Штатов, то покупались отдельно, за кровные деньги, потому и имела особое значение для каждого ее обладателя.

За долгие годы Вьетнамской войны, плохо понимающие, что происходят, армейцы пытались выразить свое отношение к происходящему, подчеркнуть некие аспекты своей жизни, или просто позабавиться. Поэтому на зажигалках того времени, стали появляться философские и не очень надписи, нацарапанные армейским ножом. К тому же, зажигалка с надписью, становилась как машина с аерографией, и поэтому вероятность, что ее украдут ночью снижалась до минимума.

Вьетнамские умелые ручки, за небольшую сумму были готовы подсобить одиноким американским сынам, выброшенным на произвол судьбы. Умельцы начали предлагать американцам аккуратную гравировку на Zippo.

Собственно об этом я и хотел написать. О том, что Zippo в те годы преобразились. Солдаты, которые могли не вернуться, души которых направлялись то вверх, то вниз с постоянством, которому может позавидовать любой профессионал, оставляли на земле тело - решето, или просто отдельные куски плоти и Zippo, но зато свое.Zippo времен вьетнамской войны. Изображение № 1.

Некоторые надписи вызывают дрожжь. Например, простое и лаконичное: "Why me?" или менее простое и менее лаконичное "You only live twice once when you're born and once when you're looked death in the face".

Были надписи более забавные: "If God made anything better than pussy he kept it for himself" или еще одно проето и лаконичное "Lets Fuck".

Были и совсем прямолинейные: "He who steals this lighter eat shit".

Ниже я приведу сборник цитат с "мертвых зажигалок". Мертвы они потому, что те, кто выжил, забрали свою Zippo с собой. Те, что находили, находят в Вьетнаме до сих пор, уже не имеют хозяев.

Что до меня, то меня потрясли следующие надписи: "I love you for today tomorrow and forever", "knights slew for love we slay for money", "If you find this lighter on my body I hope it brings you better luck than me".

Вообщем, я не знаю, можно ли наслаждаться эстетикой смерти, но тем не менее, приятного чтения:

A big cat can be mean but ... A little pussy ! never hurt

After 7 days God say “Let there be hell” and then came the dusters

Always ripped or always stoned I made it a year I'm going home

Always topped or always stoned I made it a year I’m going home

And the lord said let there be marine and the fish rose from the sea

Army lifers never die they go to hell and regroup

As I steam down the river of death I'll fear nothing for I'm the meanest mother fucker on the river

As I walk through the valley shadow of death I shall fear no evil for I'm the evilest son of a bitch in the valley

Awarding! I'll be the first of all but fighting! I'm the soldier going the rear!

Away from you I so much hunger for you touch

Being in the army is like using a rubber It gives you a feeling of security while you're getting fucked

Black is Black is you Black is me Black is us Black is unity

black jacks bloody burning bastards

black youth

Cam down the hell Fell down the God

Damn you Charlie Brown

Damn you Charlie Brown I wont sink if you pull it out

Death is my business and business has been good

Dedication Achievement Professionalism

Do unto others As they would do unto you only do it first

Doing business with you is like wearing a prophylactic it gives one the feeling of faith, security and safety while beeing screwed

Fight for peace Live for war Die for nothing

Fighter By Day Lover by night Drunkard by choice army by mistake

Fighter By Day Lover by night Drunkard by choice marine by mistake

Fighter By Day Lover by night Drunkard by choice ready to fight

Fighting for freedom as a state that those who live in peace will never know

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity

For those who fight for it life has a meaning the protected will never know

For those who fought for it freedom has a special flavor the protected will newer know

For those who fought for it freedom has a taste the protected will newer know

For those who fought for it life has a flavor the protected will newer know

For those who have to fight for it life has a flavor the protected will newer know

Fuck it !!

Fuck you red baron

Give me head til I'm dead

God made grass man made alcohol who are you going to trust

Gunrunner six smoke bringer

He who steals this lighter eat shit

Help spread love through out the world fuck some one

here to raise hell

Heres to me in my sober moods when I ramble, sit and think

Heres to me in the drunken moods, when I gamble, sin, and drink

Ho Chi Minh is a communist mother fucker

I am an alcoholic In case of accident get me a beer

I am just like a duck I don’t give a fuck

I can't live without you I can't anymore but I can't die

I didn't come to Vietnam to die for my country, I came to make the other SOB die for his

I love the fucking army and the army loves fucking me

I love Vietnam for today tomorrow and forever

I love you for today tomorrow and forever

I may not be poet I may not be a king but I'm a fighting soldier and when I'm mad I do my thing

I walk into the swamp a knife in one hand a pistol in the other I'm a mean fucker I'm a jungle man

I was raised in Wisconsin 2 set of teeth 2 set of hair I'm a mean mother fucker I'm a Yankee

I'm sure to go to heaven because I have spent my time in hell

I've been down so goddamned long like up to me

I've been down so goddamned long that it looks to me

I've loved every inch of the land I stand I'll die before I'll run

If God made anything better than pussy he kept it for himself

If I die in Vietnam bury me on my stomach so the army can kiss my ass

If I had a farm in hell and a house in Vietnam I would sell them both

If I had a farm in Vietnam and a home in hell I'd sell my farm and go home

If I had been at Kent state there would have been one hell of a body count

If it won't light, that's combat baby

If there must be war let it be in my day so that my children can leave in peace

If You Can't Fix It Fuck It

If you don't know what hell is like fuck with me and you'll find out

If you find this lighter on my body I hope it brings you better luck than me

If you got this of my dead ass I hope it brings you the same luck it brought me

If you haven't been there shut the fuck up

If you think sex is exciting try incoming

If you want to fuck smile when lighter back

If you want to fuck smile when this lighter you hand me back

If you want to make love smile when you hand me back this lighter

If you want to make love smile when you hand me the lighter back

If you're not with the one you love love the one you're with

In life we often have to do things that just are not our bag

Is a year shortened as a day ? Then I'll go home soon !

It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice

It seems the days in the army are the longest days on the earth

It's been a hard day I've been working like a dog

It's been a tough year

Kill them all,let God sort them out

Killing for peace was like fucking for virginity

knights slew for love we slay for money

Let me win your heart and mind or I'll burn your hut down

Let peace forever hold her way over the earth

Lets Fuck

Life's a bitch

Lifers Are the Same as Flies They Eat Shit And Won't Leave You Alone

Live by chance love by choice kill by profession

Live fast love hard die young

Live it up! We're all going to the hell anyway

Live like a dog work like an ass fuck like mink die like a rat

May I shack up with you tonight? If so keep this lighter and smile

Napalm sticks to Kids

Never again

Never put off tomorrow what you can do today

No drunk not allowed go home no wife but no single

no hope without dope no class without grass the whole world is going to pot

Nothing is dearer than the life but nothing is more precious than to live in freedom

Oh! lord don't let atomic bomb drop on me

On the 7th day, the lord rested, but blue life flew

One has never lived till he has almost died, life has a flavor the protected will never know

One thousand marines will shit today and wipe their ass with green beret

Ours is not to do or die ours is to smoke and stay high

Paratrooper's never die the go to hell and regroup

Peace is today and tomorrow is yesterday

Please don't tell me about Vietnam because I have been there

Return from hell

Screw it

Soon! I'll fail to buy a house but I won't refuse to build the church in Vietnam

The "things" to do today

The army is a rubber it gives you the feeling of security while you are getting fucked

The average GI. after a fat joint

The eagle fly high tonight

The hawk is out the eagle flies high tonight

The higher you go the lower you get in the army

The human brain functions 24 hours a day give it a break and get mellow

The marine corps is a festering pimple on the ass of my sanity

The more days you've been in the army the more hells you've gotten!

The object of war is not to give your life four your country but make the other bastard give his

The power never win the willing of the people

The quality of mercy is not strained

The unwilling working for the unable to do the unnecessary for the ungrateful

There is nothing so sweet as the smell of death in the morning

Things to do today

Those who have come close to dead – appreciate life

Though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil

To hell and back

To love each other is not to look at each other but to look together at the same aim

Vietnam is the land that God forgot but I’ve been there and I remember

War is hell

War is hell but actual combat is a son of a bitch

Water ? Never touch the stuff fish fuck in it you know

We are the unwilling led by the unqualified doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful

We came because we believe we leave because we are disillusioned we come back because we are lost we die because we are committed

We die at the hands of those who smile at war

We have done so much for so long with so little that now we can do any thing with nothing forever

When God open the gates of hell the 101 st walked out

When I am dead and in my grave no more pussy will I crave

When I die bury me face down so the whole world can kiss my as

When I die don't bury me at all just rub my nuts in alcohol lay my dick across my chest tell all Vietnam whore I'm gone to reste

When I die I know I am going to heaven because I have spent my time in hell

When I die I know I am going to heaven cause I spent my time in hell

When I die I'll go to heaven because I've spent my time in hell

When I die I'll drive the road of heaven because have driven road of hell

When I die put me deep place a woman at my head & feet tell all the whores

When I kill the only feeling have is the recon of my rifle

When I know I've already died I'll fear no war, no combat and no fighting because the God appears behind me!

When my drinking days are over and from this world I pass, I hope they bury me upside down so the world can kiss my ass

When the power of love over comes the love of power then There will be peace

When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace

When this trooper dies he will rot in the mud like any other fucking animal

When you are not with the one you love love the one you are with

With booze you loose with dope there is hope

Yea and my retribution shall be terrible and swift and death and sorrow rained from the sky

Yea though I fly through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I'm the evilest mother fucker in the valley

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for I am most evil dog in the valley

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil for I'm the evilest son of a bitch in the valley

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil cause I'm the meanest mother fucker in the valley

Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for I am the evilest son of a bitch in the valley

Yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery today is the golden age between

You can fuck with the troops but you can't stop the clock

You may fall on a hill you may fall on a mountain but the biggest fall you’ll ever make is when you fall in love

You must have me confused with someone who gives a shit

You never really lived till you nearly died

You never really lived until you've nearly died

You only live twice once when you're born and once when you're looked death in the face

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